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Also schrieb Drudenfusz
Samstag, 13. September 2008
Samstag, 13. September 2008, 15:25
SLA Industries #17

Um schneller und einfacher Streß im Spiel zu handhaben, gibt es einige die sich so gedanken gemacht haben. Hier nun die Variante wie meine Wenigkeit die Streß-Regeln aus dem Contract Directory nutzt und abgewandelt hat.

Spare mir den Würfelwurf der festhält ob man Potential Stress bekommt, stattdesen werden die Werte für Potential Stress einfach durch zwei geteilt und aufgerundet, außer man ist mal Rassen Maximum oder hat den Vorteil Exceedingly Cool, dann werden die Werte abgerundet. Auf gewissen Kampfdrogen erhält man weiterhin keinen Potential Stress.

Ansonsten gibt es bei mir leichte Unterschiede und einige neue Streßfaktoren. Der Übersicht halbe hat meine Person mal Streß in verschiedene Kategorien sortiert.

0.5 PS Being interogated.
0.5 PS Finding a dead boby.
0.5 PS Meeting a Stormer who hates you.
1 PS Meeting another male Wraith Raider (only male Wraith Raider)
1.5 PS Finding a lot of dead bodies.
1 AS Being surprised to meet a Necanthrope.*
1 AS / 0.5 PS Meeting a Necanthrope who is angry at you.*
1 AS 1 PS Finding a friend's dead boby (per friend).
1 AS / 1 PS Meeting a Necanthrope who hates you.*
1 AS / 2.5 PS Being raped or tortured.
2 AS Being interogated by Cloak Division.
2 AS / 0.5 PS Finding a lot of mutilated dead boby.
2 AS / 1 PS Finding a friend's mutilated dead boby.
4 AS Comming across Halloween Jack.
4 AS / 2PS Being tortured by Cloak Division.
6 AS / 6 PS Halloween Jack waking you up.
10 AS / 10 PS Mr. Slayer waking you up.

1 AS Taking a dose of Alice.**
1 AS Taking a dose of Bass.**
1 AS Taking a dose of Pineal Stim.**
1 AS Taking a dose of Rush.**
1 AS Taking a dose of Streak.**
1 AS Taking a dose of UV.**
1 AS Taking a dose of White Noise.**
1 AS Taking two or three doses of any KickStart type at the same time.**
2 AS Taking a dose of Barezark.**
2 AS Taking a dose of MetaBoost.**
2 AS Taking a dose of UV Blaze.**
3 AS Taking a dose of Shatter.**
3 AS Taking four or more doses of any KickStart type at the same time.**

0.5 PS Going below Level 5 of Lower Downtown.
1 AS Taking a Space walk.
1 AS / 0.5 PS Entering a FoldShip.
1 AS / 0.5 PS Going below Level 20 of Lower Downtown.
2 AS / 1 PS Going below Level 50 of Lower Downtown.
3 AS Taking a Space walk with nothing nearby.
3 AS / 1.5 PS Going into the Cannibal Sectors.
3 AS / 1.5 PS Going to a War World.
4 AS / 2 PS Going into the White.
4 AS / 3 PS Going to White Earth or the Black Stump.

1 PS Being outnumbered at least 5 to 1.
1 PS Being the target of a surprise attack.
1.5 PS Running out of bullets
1.5 PS Running out f Flux
2 PS Being outnumbered at least 20 to 1.
1 AS Being the target of an assassination attept.
1 AS recieving a jolt attack.
1 AS / 1 PS Losing quater of your Hits in one blow.
1 AS / 2 PS Being hit at the head.
1 AS / 2 PS Killing a bystander, non-combatant or innocent.
1 AS / 3 PS Losing half of your Hits in one blow.
2 AS / 2 PS First time killing a person.
2 AS / 1.5 PS Being attacked by a Necanthope.*
3 AS Seeing a friend or squad-mate die.
3 AS Losing a Limb.
5 AS / 5 PS Your Death Suit is dying.

1 PS Losing a ranking Circuit match.
1 AS Being portrayed as a loser by 3rd Eye.
1 AS per day being target of a Covert Game.
2 AS Failing a BPN.
2 AS / 2 PS Executing a non-agressor in cold blood.
3 AS Losing a rank of Reputation.
4 AS Disastrously failing a BPN.
4 AS Being portrayed as a subversive by 3rd Eye.

0.5 PS Being made to wait around for more than an hour when you're in a hurry.
0.5 PS Being stuck in a traffic jam for hours.
0.5 PS Coming across a general scary situation.
1.5 PS Coming across a wierd, scary situation.
1 AS Coming across a general terrifying situation.
1 AS Not seeing any frinds for a week.***
1 AS Trying to have sex and failing.
1 AS / 0.5 PS Not seeing any other member of your race for a week.***
3 AS Being in real danger of imminent death.
3 AS Being the subjekt of a Hunter Sheet.
5 AS Seeing a friend or squad—mate tortured to death while you watch helplessly.
5 AS Being the subjekt of a generous Hunter Sheet.
5 AS / 5 PS Killing your lover, parent or child.
8 AS Dying and recieving LAD.

* +1 AS if you are an Ebon or Brain Waster.
** Frothers are not affected by this Stress.
*** Wraith Raiders are not affected by this Stress.

Und wie wird man Streß los?

Dazu gibt es zwei Möglichkeiten, erstere wird im Contract Directory beschrieben (also jetzt nicht von mir nochmals), zweitere ist in meinem Freundeskreis entstanden (BuG, wenn du mir ein Link zum englischen SLA-B gibst, so soll der hier auch gerne verlinkt werden), doch Vorsicht dies birgt auch Gefahren. Denn man baut einen Punkt Streß ab wenn man sich seinen Mentalen-Schwächen hingibt. Dafür muß man aber über seinem Auslöse-Niveau sein, welcher sich errechnet in dem man von seinem Cool-Wert den Rank in der Störung abzieht. Sobald man das doppelte Auslöse-Niveau in der Störung mit seinem Streß erreicht hat, muß man seinen Störungen nachgehen sonst bekommt man 1 AS. Man baut auch Streß ab wenn man noch nicht sein eigentliches Auslöse-Niveau erreicht hat, aber dennoch seiner Störung frönt, doch dabei besteht das Risiko, das die Störung sich verschlimmert.

Bei einem Breakdown wird bei mir nur eine Störung erhöht (verwende aber die abstufungen 1 bis 10 aus dem Grundregelwerk und nicht jene aus dem Contract Directory), aber der Breaking Point wird nicht verändert.

Verwende ansonsten für die Gore-Cannon und ähnliche übernatürliche Phänomene auch weiterhin das Furcht-System aus dem Grundregelwerk.

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