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Saga Ergänzungen
Montag, 3. März 2008, 22:35
Star Wars #10
Zum Grundregelwerk gibt es schon seit einiger Zeit eine Errata-List die meine Wenigkeit euch nicht vorenthalten wollte (Weiter unten findet ihr ein Feat und zwei Waffen welche dort ebenfalls zu finden waren). Der Tech Specialist hat es in Form eines Web Enhancements in die Saga Edition geschafft.
Es gibt auch weitere Aliens als Web Enhancments: Die Devaronians und Die Pau'ans
Für Jedi die Force Powers als Merkkarten (nach Errata). Und für Spielleiter eine Erklärung zum erschaffen von Encounters sowie einen Link zu einem Blog in dem es Miniature Maps gibt (es soll Leute geben die solche Maps nutzen, meine Wenigkeit tut es jedenfall nicht).
Assault Feat (Official Optional Rule)
Through focus and raw determination, you can make multiple attacks even after moving.
Prerequisite: Double Attack or Dual Weapon Mastery I, base attack bonus +6
Benefit: If you are wielding two weapons or a weapon with which you can use the Double Attack feat, you may spend a Force Point to make two attacks as a standard action. The normal penalties due to attacking with two weapons or using Double Attack still apply, and you cannot make more than two attacks regardless of how many extra attacks you can make during a full attack action.
Normal: You can only make multiple attacks with the full attack action (a full-round action)
Sniper Rifle & Submachine Gun (Official Optional Rule)
Blaster rifle, sniper
Cost 1,200 credits (military)
Damage 3d8
Size Large
Weight 5.5 kg
Qualities accurate, no autofire/stun settings, 50 shots/power pack.
Subrepeating blaster
Cost 1,000 credits (military)
Damage 3d6
Size Medium
Weight 1.7 kg
Qualities autofire-only (can be braced), no stun setting, inaccurate, 50 shots/power pack. Retractable stock (so it can be wielded as if it were in the pistols or rifles group; normally considered a rifle)

Es gibt auch weitere Aliens als Web Enhancments: Die Devaronians und Die Pau'ans
Für Jedi die Force Powers als Merkkarten (nach Errata). Und für Spielleiter eine Erklärung zum erschaffen von Encounters sowie einen Link zu einem Blog in dem es Miniature Maps gibt (es soll Leute geben die solche Maps nutzen, meine Wenigkeit tut es jedenfall nicht).
Assault Feat (Official Optional Rule)
Through focus and raw determination, you can make multiple attacks even after moving.
Prerequisite: Double Attack or Dual Weapon Mastery I, base attack bonus +6
Benefit: If you are wielding two weapons or a weapon with which you can use the Double Attack feat, you may spend a Force Point to make two attacks as a standard action. The normal penalties due to attacking with two weapons or using Double Attack still apply, and you cannot make more than two attacks regardless of how many extra attacks you can make during a full attack action.
Normal: You can only make multiple attacks with the full attack action (a full-round action)
Sniper Rifle & Submachine Gun (Official Optional Rule)
Blaster rifle, sniper
Cost 1,200 credits (military)
Damage 3d8
Size Large
Weight 5.5 kg
Qualities accurate, no autofire/stun settings, 50 shots/power pack.
Subrepeating blaster
Cost 1,000 credits (military)
Damage 3d6
Size Medium
Weight 1.7 kg
Qualities autofire-only (can be braced), no stun setting, inaccurate, 50 shots/power pack. Retractable stock (so it can be wielded as if it were in the pistols or rifles group; normally considered a rifle)
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Garfield minus Garfield
Montag, 3. März 2008, 11:57
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